
Welcome Kelly, our new UAL Fellow

Baltimore Clayworks is proud to be a UAL Fellow host organization once again this year. The Urban Arts Leadership (UAL) fellowship is a program of the Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance (GBCA), and is designed to increase diversity in the management of cultural and artistic organizations by building a pipeline for high achieving emerging leaders, focusing on those of color.

We are excited to welcome Kelly Palmer to Clayworks as our 2020 UAL Fellow. Kelly is a graduating senior at Coppin State University, majoring in Arts Administration with a minor in Nonprofit Leadership and Youth Development. In the future she plans to manage her own nonprofit devoted to mentoring youth. She is an advocate for cultural groups and the representation of black artists. Her mission is to create a legacy for generations to utilize for many years to come. The influence of the arts in addition to the need for an impactful leader in our community is what motivates her to pursue her goal of leading a successful arts sector in our community.

Please join us in welcoming Kelly to the Clayworks community!