So many exceptional people come through Baltimore Clayworks. These folks come in all ages and sizes, colors and abilities. They come from neighborhoods all over, to gather at Clayworks with old and new friends to explore the joys and beauty of clay. That’s what we call “community,” and nothing conveys it better than Baltimore Clayworks. For each of us, and for our community over the years, Baltimore Clayworks has been #touchinglives like these.
We count on the support of our donors to make this possible. Without personal financial contributions like yours, our ability to keep touching lives would diminish.
To share your story of how Clayworks has touched your life, please email with #touchinglives in the subject line.
Click here to make your contribution and help Clayworks continue #touchinglives.
“Baltimore Clayworks for me is a second home. Home of creativity, belonging and sharing. Through the art of creative practice and curious engagement, I have been able to build a sense of belonging and connection with each valuable members of Baltimore Clayworks and its extended community within the local art scene.” – Hae Won Sohn (Resident Artist 2019-2020)
“A few years before turning 65, I started worrying about what I would do with myself once I retired. But after taking a couple of beginning wheel classes, I quit working early to spend more time at Baltimore Clayworks making pots. Through Clayworks I have rediscovered how much I enjoy learning and creating and been able to meet so many good, interesting and talented people.” – Barbra Donohoe (Student, Volunteer, & Donor)
“I’ve been asked before, What does Baltimore Clayworks mean to you? Well, the short answer is, everything. I started taking classes there about eighteen years ago, and I remain a student, and dedicated to the place, it’s rich history, and it’s loving and supportive fellow potters.
We’re a real community here. Most everyone knows most everyone else. We look, and admire, and sometimes offer critiques of each other’s work. We offer tips and techniques that we have learned or discovered on our own. And the learning! Baltimore Clayworks has a wonderful core of teachers, supplemented by many diverse short and long term resident artists, who always bring a new perspective, and a new way of approaching that lump of clay.
Our gallery puts on wonderful shows, from clay artists all over the country and exceptional international artists. We have several ongoing community outreach projects, bringing to the community that doesn’t have the means an opportunity to engage in the creative life.
I can’t think of another arts program anywhere in the state that does so much good work with so little resources. Baltimore Clayworks is simply a wonderful place with beautiful people doing great work.” – John Gazurian (Board Member, Student, Volunteer, & Donor)