
Nature Sacred and Baltimore Clayworks

Sacred Places at Baltimore Clayworks

Nurturing Nature Fountain Garden

Clayworks’ first Sacred Place, located in front of our studio building, was installed in the summer of 2011. The flagstone pathway, bluestone stairs, and native plantings provide an inviting portal to the Nurturing Nature Fountain Garden. In 2025, Clayworks restored this fountain with support from Nature Sacred. The original artist, Maman Rikin, and volunteer potters created new work to repair the tile boxes that had sustained damage over many Maryland winters. In this Sacred Place, visitors can access mosaic garden benches and the Nature Sacred bench and journal. 

Maman Rikin creating a tile box for the fountain restoration

A New Sacred Place

We imagine a space that ignites curiosity, sparks conversation, and joins people, nature, and clay, from their ancestral roots to their hopeful future. It will be a place for grounding and reflection, an accessible and joyful garden in which all people in our community can feel they belong.

In 2025, Clayworks is developing a second Sacred Place in front of our Gallery building. As we activate this new space with plantings, seating, and programming, we hope it will be heavily used and become a valued resource for the community.

How can you support the Sacred Places at Baltimore Clayworks

If you are interested in supporting Clayworks’ Sacred Places, you can make a donation here. We appreciate gifts of any size. If you would like to donate your time, ideas, or become actively involved please contact for more information:

Holly Jackson, Development Associate


410.578.1919, x218


Earthenworks Community Day

Join us for Earthenworks Community Day, a ceremonial ground breaking and land dedication of our Sacred Place garden. Get your hands in some clay and make a Garden Globe from natural clay and native plant seeds. Give it as a gift to a loved one or enjoy launching your Garden Globe somewhere that needs a pop of foliage.

Earth, Fire, Food: The Art of Mindful Eating & Stress Relief Through the Elements with Dr. Lauren Hawkins

April 9, 2025 from 5:00 – 6:00 pm

Yoga in the Garden

Dive into the flow with Yoga in the Garden at Baltimore Clayworks. Your yoga instructor will give you the tools you need to find movements that best suit you to restore your sense of balance and community. This program is open to anyone and everyone, regardless of prior experience. All you need is yourself and some comfortable clothing. Class will take place outside in Clayworks’ Sacred Place Garden areas.

5 Senses in the Garden: A Spring Awakening with Dr. Lauren Hawkins

May 16, 2025 from 5:00 – 6:00 pm

Garden Volunteers Needed

Baltimore Clayworks is looking for volunteers on April 5, 2025 between 9:00 am – 2:00 pm to help us install and mulch shrubs, grasses, and perennials in three newly-designed garden beds that are part of the new Sacred Place garden in front of our galleries. All tools, supplies, and light refreshments will be provided. Just come ready with your green thumbs!

Thank You to our Funders

This project is supported by Nature Sacred, Chesapeake Bay Trust, Baltimore Development Corporation, Towson University, and individual donors. Baltimore Clayworks is also grateful for the support of Baltimore Community Foundation.  We also  thank the Baltimore Convention Center and the generous exhibitors from MANTS (Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show) that donated their trees and plants for our project.